About us

Carrigaline Men’s Shed group was formed in 2012 and started out in portacabins situated on land at the rear of a newly built housing estate. The Shed quickly became an important focal point for men in the community, so when it emerged that there were plans to build on the site they were using, the group immediately began looking for a new location. After negotiations with Cork County Council, they found a suitable local site and their next phase of development began!


After relocating the portacabins to their new site, the group set about developing plans for a purpose-built facility with workshops, sitting room area, kitchen, and storage areas.


With their vision clearly identified, the group started fundraising and working with their Local Development Company, South and East Cork Area Development (SECAD). They group were successful in securing a LEADER grant from SECAD that provided a major portion of the finance needed for this ambitious project.

  • Choir
  • Woodwork
  • Wood Turning
  • Metal / Garage Work
  • Golf / Pitch and Putt
  • Walking Group
  • Day Trips
  • Snooker
Drop in and say hello


Carrigaline mens shed


Church Road

Carrigaline, Co. Cork

P43 C668


phone (to be added)